Today i'm going to talk aboit shopping, but i actually hate shopping. I go shopping only when is important.
I hate go to shopping but there is one thing that sometime i like go to some store for shopping. I like so much going to see soccer t-shirt, but false t-shirt or how here in chile we say "piratas". I can't find this kind of t-shirt in any place. If a go to adidas or nike's stores i'm gping to find good and expensive soccer t-shirt. if i want to find this kind of t-shirt i have to go to some fair or the famous "persa bio-bio". I can find it by Internet too, in some page like ebay or one more local like mercadolibre.
i like all kind of soccer t-shirt. When i want to buy ine i don't have a favorite soccer team, i just buy the t-shirt that i like more.
Not always i buy "piratas" t-shirt, i have a couple of original t-shirt, but almost t-shirt that i have are not original, but are good t-shirt too.
When i have to goign shopping i spend just the necesary time, for example if a need buy a jeans i going, i see a couple of jeans, i choose one, i buy it and i'm going in only 20 minutes or less. But when i going shopping for soccer t-shirt i saty there more time, but not too much.
I really, don't like shopping