jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
Rodolfo's blog

One of the pricncipal things that i chose this blog is as for the elemnts in there. How i was talking before, rodolfo always has in his posts one anecdote, a story, a fact or just a freak fact that always make it interesting.
miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010
The best Chilean

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010
Cruise working

If i have the option to choose a job i choose a geography job, because will be my future profession, but if i don't choose a geography job and may work in it, i think i would choose a job in a cruise. Any kind of job in the cruise, waiter, employee, etc.
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010
In her country she is vary famous, but not too much in Chile. She started her carrer when she was very young, she was 15 years old.
I would like to know her because i consider that she is one of the best floklore singer in her country and all the region. She has a great voice and I love her music. I'd really like to be in one of her show, beacuse i have not had the possibility of being on her show, i have only seen videos. besides i would like to know her in person i think could be interesting because i consider her so pretty, that is other reason to know her.
If i have the opportunity to be with her i think that i talk wiht her aboit her musical carrer and the music in general because she has honoured several artist from south america, she has a lot of covers from them. Artist like atahualpa yupanqui, Chabuca Granda, Violeta parra and other that almost i like all of them. So i think if i have the opportunity to talk with her i'd have a lot of things to say.
Definitively will be intersting know her. I think she is a sociability person and is so young too, so i think i don't have problem to talk with her and maybe i could to learn from her and to share a lot of things about the southamercian culture
jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010