jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
Rodolfo's blog

One of the pricncipal things that i chose this blog is as for the elemnts in there. How i was talking before, rodolfo always has in his posts one anecdote, a story, a fact or just a freak fact that always make it interesting.
miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010
The best Chilean

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010
Cruise working

If i have the option to choose a job i choose a geography job, because will be my future profession, but if i don't choose a geography job and may work in it, i think i would choose a job in a cruise. Any kind of job in the cruise, waiter, employee, etc.
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010
In her country she is vary famous, but not too much in Chile. She started her carrer when she was very young, she was 15 years old.
I would like to know her because i consider that she is one of the best floklore singer in her country and all the region. She has a great voice and I love her music. I'd really like to be in one of her show, beacuse i have not had the possibility of being on her show, i have only seen videos. besides i would like to know her in person i think could be interesting because i consider her so pretty, that is other reason to know her.
If i have the opportunity to be with her i think that i talk wiht her aboit her musical carrer and the music in general because she has honoured several artist from south america, she has a lot of covers from them. Artist like atahualpa yupanqui, Chabuca Granda, Violeta parra and other that almost i like all of them. So i think if i have the opportunity to talk with her i'd have a lot of things to say.
Definitively will be intersting know her. I think she is a sociability person and is so young too, so i think i don't have problem to talk with her and maybe i could to learn from her and to share a lot of things about the southamercian culture
jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010
soccer t-shirt shopping

Today i'm going to talk aboit shopping, but i actually hate shopping. I go shopping only when is important.
I hate go to shopping but there is one thing that sometime i like go to some store for shopping. I like so much going to see soccer t-shirt, but false t-shirt or how here in chile we say "piratas". I can't find this kind of t-shirt in any place. If a go to adidas or nike's stores i'm gping to find good and expensive soccer t-shirt. if i want to find this kind of t-shirt i have to go to some fair or the famous "persa bio-bio". I can find it by Internet too, in some page like ebay or one more local like mercadolibre.
i like all kind of soccer t-shirt. When i want to buy ine i don't have a favorite soccer team, i just buy the t-shirt that i like more.
Not always i buy "piratas" t-shirt, i have a couple of original t-shirt, but almost t-shirt that i have are not original, but are good t-shirt too.
When i have to goign shopping i spend just the necesary time, for example if a need buy a jeans i going, i see a couple of jeans, i choose one, i buy it and i'm going in only 20 minutes or less. But when i going shopping for soccer t-shirt i saty there more time, but not too much.
domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010
18 on the beach
When i was a child i almost always went to the beach with my family in september for the aniversary of Chile.
We usually went to Algarrobo or a nearly place, but i didn't like go to the beach in that date because i prefered to be here in Santiago and go to a funny "fonda" or go to a family BBQ. So i remember ones when we stayd here in santiago so we went to a "fonda"(i don't remember where it was) and for me was a very good experiency because i could to see a lot of folklore music groups like inti-illimani, illapu and others groups. I could to play a lot of chilean and traditional games (rayuela, gincana, etc.) and other kind of activities like to raise a comet and eat all kind of thinks. that may be is one of the unique memories that i have when i was a little kid but is a very great memory.
today the days of the fiestas patrias and thecelebration are totally different. My parent still are going to the beach in this date my my brothers and me usually stay here in Santiago. So i spend my time with my friends and girlfrien going to some fonda in saniago or near santiago and making barbecues with them and my brothers. I already don't do spend my time as i was a kid, today a like g to dance, cueca and cumbia, eat a lot and drink chilean drinks like chicha or "terremoto".
I think this is one of the best dates in chile. i like so much to celebrate the fiestas patrias.
jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010
Boca Juniors the best team in the world

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010
Escher, house of stairs

lunes, 14 de junio de 2010
Favorite website: Minijuegos.

Today i'm going to talk about my favorite website, one of the website that i use more. This website is Minijuegos.I like so much this website because i can play a lot of games. I use this website every week when i am boring or when i take a break when i am studying.
This website has thousands of differents games, and i can play them free. For me is too funny those games because some of them are funny, i don't spend too much time play them and i can relax of the study.
I found this website a lot of time ago, maybe five years ago, when i was in boring in my house and i was looking for some game to spend the time. I found a lot of website of games, but this liked me more because have all kind of games, sport games, logic games, adventires games, etc.
One of the good things in this website is that every day there are new games, so are not always the same games. the games taht i like more are the sports games and strategy games. I play some geography games too, for me are funny.
One of the things that i don't like of the website, Minijuegos is that some time the games repeat themsalve so in some moment this wbsite hasn't too much variety.
I don't know if you know this website, is a good option to relax when you are studying so i recomend you to visit this website, is a very good website.
lunes, 7 de junio de 2010
The weekend in Parral
I can see all the earthquake destruction in Parral. it was very impressive, i saw a lot of fallen houses and in some places every houses in a block, all the block distroyed.
It was a very good experiency and i could to share with all my classmet.
lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010
Beatiful places, good moment and good friends

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010
Bersuit Vergarabat

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010
Chile goes to the world cup

that was a very good day for mebeacuse a could to enjoy the game drinking some beer with all my best friends.
lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010
China, one of the countries that i'd want to visit.

China is not the unique country, i would like to visit Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand and latin america. I'm interested about the marcial art in Japan and China too. I don't practie it, but i think that the marcial arts in these countries have something special.
lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010
post correction
1) those(ww)= that February 27th
2)woke up me(wf)= My father woke me up
3)your(WW)= He ordered us to dressand he went to the downtown for visit his parents.
4)your(WW)= because she could talk for telephone with her parents.
5) has(WF)= My brother and me have...
6)lit(WT)= And lit it for.....
Rodolfo's blog

I like it because i share a lot of things that he writes in his blog. For example he writes about his favorite movie "dead poets society", which i like it too. I like too watch the tv in my free time and a lot of the channel that he watches, for example "history channel and natgeo", i like watch it too.
about the design of his blog I think is good and he has good pictures, but i think is too dark. May be if he changes the colors of his blog could be funnier and if he puts up more picture and photos will be more showy.
You have to visit the rodolfo's blog because is so interesting ;)
lunes, 26 de abril de 2010
my favorites things

Studying in the university i don't have too much time, so i try to spend my little time meeting with my friends and sleep some time.
when i met with my friends we usually play soccer and drink some beer or some coke. I started to play soccer with my firneds when i was a child, but five years ago when i was in the school we played soccer every weekend, but know we don't have to many days or time free, so we try to play every time we can.
I like it so much because i can see my friends and i always have a good time with them and i like to play soccer too, i always have played soccer so i enjoy do it.
i like to sleep a lot too, because i have so wake up to soon in the morning and i'm going to the bed too late. Meybe i'm a lazy people, but i am ok with that.
I don't have to much time free, so i don't have too many things to do. In the summer when i have a lot of time free i usefull doing a lot of thing as read books, watch soccer game or go out.
One thing that i do sometime in the summer is go out alone or with a friend by a day and walk or take a bus to a place that i don't know before. I like go to places where i'v not been before.
In two month more i'm going to spend all my time watching the world cup.
lunes, 19 de abril de 2010
The Lion King

The Lion King is a Disney movie from 1994, about the life in the jungle.
This movie was produced by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff and the movie won two oscars Nad another two awards.
The history is about a little young lion named Simba, whose father(Mufasa, the lion King from the jungle) was killed by his own uncle(scar).
The Simba's uncle is a terrible lion and is too envious and jealous because he wanted to be the King like his brother Mufasa. So Scar killed mufasa and blamed to Simba. Simba escaped anda knew Timon & Pumba and they became the best friends from Simba.
Scar had the power and with the help from the Hyenas(Ed, Banzai and Shenzi), hehad the chaos in the kingdom. A lot of year after the Mufasa's dead, Nala, the best friends from Simba when they were childrens, went for help anda found Simba and counted all about the kingdom, so Simba returned to his home and killed Scar and the Kingdom came to be the same pacific place when he was a child.
- Simba
- Mufasa: simba's father
- Scar: Simba's uncle
- Sarabi: Simba's mother
- Rafiki: A wise monkey
- Timon: Simba's friends
- Pumba: Simba's friends(wild boar)
- Nala: Simba's Friend and future Simba's couple
- Hyenas (Ed, Banzai and Shenzi)
- Zazu: A bird who work to Mufasa and later from Simba
P.S: This is my favorite movie, i have whatched a lot of time. Enjoy the movie
lunes, 12 de abril de 2010
The Earthquake
When I listened about the tsunami in Constitucion i tried to comunicate with my friends and o knew that a wall fell in one of my friend and he broke his leg, he is ok riath now. Also the tsunami flooded the house of my friend but he and his family are ok.
Almost the places that I knew a few days bofore the earthquake were destroyed(Iloca, Consitutucion and Duao).
I have lucky from stay in Santiago and not in Conti.
Here in Santiago i was in a party in the moment of the earthquake and everybody in the party were scary, but everybody were ok, just some glasses and some plats broke.
In the morning when a went back to my house i couldn't take a bus and I sow a lot of walls from houses and building on the floor for example a school in Maipu and a church in Providencia. Ones in my house i had to clean and order beacuse everything fell in my house.
I have never lived something similar, is very sad see the news in the TV and Know about the people hoo lost everything.
lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010
Age: 20 years old
Birthday: 06/07/1989
Profession: student.(geography, U.de Chile)
Hobbies: I like to travel, play a lot of sports, lisen every kind of music, read before go to bed.
Condition: single
Commentaries: This is my first blog. I don't really like it, but maybe can work. Will probably i don't use my blog too much in my home or other places outside the university.